L8 and iOS

Getting Started ► L8 and iOS


Download the App on the App Sotore

The L8 SmartLight official app is available for download on the App Store


Here, you’ll find some tips about using your L8 with an iOS device.

  • Pair your L8 to the iPhone from the L8 SmartLight App
  • Don’t pair the L8 to your iPhone from the Settings Menu
  • Bluetooth connection issues
    If the app is active or in background and you turn off the iPhone’s Bluetooth and turn it on again, you’ll lose the connection to the L8. To get it back, go to the app main menu (on the left), section “L8s” and tap on “Scan & Conncet” or on the last item.
  • Phone Notifications
    Phone notifications are received on the L8 through Apple Notifcation Center Service (ANCS) so you don’t need to do anything to be notified of Whatsapp, Phonecalls, Messages or any other notification that arrvives to your iPhone.